Philosophy of the Programme

Undertaking relevant research and awareness creation on climate change causes and effects on society and environment for sustainable development


Rationale of the Programme

Climate change has received unprecedented attention in the recent decades culminating in the formation of Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to establish causes and find mitigation measures. Specific manpower development is needed to augment national and global efforts to unravel and stem effects of climate change. The Doctor of Philosophy (Climate Change and Sustainability) is expected to develop requisite skills in students to take on climate change issues in Kenya and beyond.


Programme Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme it is expected that the graduate will be able to;

         i.            Be able to carry out research into causes, impacts and to develop mitigation measures of climate change

       ii.            Understand their roles as facilitators in community participation and in working towards amelioration of climate change causes and impacts

     iii.            Assess systems and projects for carbon trade at international standards.

     iv.            Advance research and development of climate change studies and programmes

       v.            Readily undertake research and disseminate results through workshops, seminars and other fora in response to emerging environmental challenges

Entry Requirements

The Kenyatta University and School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences admission regulations shall apply. The degree is a multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary and applicants will be required to have any of the following qualifications: Masters degree in; climate Change and Sustainability, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Education, Sustainable Urban Development, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Social Sciences. A Master’s degree in a relevant field of study from Kenyatta University or any other recognized university will also be considered on the basis of courses done in reference to the transcript and climate change and adaptation-related professional experience and a relevant programme at undergraduate level.


Programme Structure and Duration

The programme is offered through Thesis only. The Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change and Sustainability shall be completed through research, thesis and successful oral examination. The programme shall take a minimum period of three academic years during which time a candidate shall develop a proposal, carry out research and write a thesis for examination. The student will be supervised by a member of the Kenyatta Uni­versity faculty and any other person that may be found suitable by the Department of Environmental Science and Education to undertake such supervision. A candidate shall publish two articles in a recognized and refereed journal. 


Regulations for thesis

The student shall be expected to develop and defend a proposal with the consultation of at least two university supervisors after successful completion of the course work. The proposal shall be presented at the Department staff and students. The proposal shall then be approved by the Board of Post Graduate Studies for before forwarding to the graduate school for registration and approval for the students to collect data. During the data collection and writing period the student will be expected to consult with the supervisors and submit progress reports to the Graduate School. After examination by internal and external examiners the candidate will be invited to defend their work in an oral examination. After successful defence the candidate shall make corrections as recommended by the Board of Examiners and then submit corrected thesis to the graduate school following the university guidelines.



Kenyatta University examination rules and regulations shall apply;

Students enrolled in the Ph.D. programme shall carry out a field or laboratory research or both and write a thesis for examination.



70% - 100%                 A

60% - 69%                   B

50% -59%                    C

0% - 49%                    E (FAIL)



The degree to be awarded: Doctor Philosophy in Climate Change and Sustainability.


Unit Code and Title

EED 902: PhD Thesis (Climate Change and Sustainability)