- Applicants must have a mean grade of (C+) in KCSE or its equivalent with at least (C+) in any three of the following subjects: Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History and Government, Home Science and Agriculture.
- Candidates with C Plain must have a Diploma of at least Credit Pass in a field of study related to the Environment and Community Development. They must also have attained at least (C+) in two of the above subjects.
- A-level candidates must have at least 2 Principles in relevant subjects above.
- Mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE and progressed from certificate to Diploma from recognized/accredited institutions.
The degree to be offered shall be called: Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Community Development) i.e. B.Env. S. (Community Development)
In level 100, students shall take the required three University common units, seven (7) units from Environmental Studies and Community Development (ECD), one (1) unit from Environmental Education (EED), one (1) unit from Environmental Sciences (ENS) and one (1) unit Environmental Planning and Management (EPM). In level 200, students must take ten (10) units from ECD, one(1) from EED, one from ERC/ENS, and one (1) from EPM. The Department offers all the units in levels 300 and 400. A student must take all the core units indicated in each level and the required
number of electives
Pattern: 13:13:14:13 = 53 units in total
UCU 100: Communication Skills
UCU 103: Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking
UCU 104: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ECD 100: Foundations & Development of Environmentalism
ECD 103: Fundamentals of Sustainable Community Development
ECD 105: Population Dynamics & Resource Use
ECD 108: Global Trends in Community Development
ECD 109: Human Ecology & Adaptations
ECD 110: Environmental Innovations & Technologies
ECD 111: Strategic & Transformative Community Development EPM 111: Principles of Environmental Planning & Management
ENS 132: Environmental Biology
EED 100: Principles of Environmental Education
NB: UCUs and courses from other departments to be timetable by relevant departments
ECD 202: Environmental Anthropology & Indigenous Knowledge Systems
ECD 204: Community Water Resources and Sanitation Management
ECD 205: Principles of Integrated Watershed Management
ECD 206: Principles of Natural Resources Management
ECD 207: Trade, Environment and Community Development
ECD 209: Climate Change and Community Livelihoods
ECD 210: Comparative Strategies in Community Development
ECD 211: Introduction to Geo-Spatial Techniques
ECD 212: Social Change & Environmental Management
ECD 213: Environment & Community Leadership EED 203: Education for Sustainable Development
ENS 241: Biodiversity Conservation
EPM 244: Waste Management Planning
ESU 300: Environmental Impact Assessment
ESU 301: Environmental Policy & Law
ESU 302: Statistics
ESU 303: Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation
ESU 304: Research Methods
ESU 305: Environmental Economics
ECD 306: Human Settlements, Environment & Development
ECD 315: Energy Resources & Community Development
ECD 316: Civil Society, Politics & Environmental Management
ECD 318: Participatory Community Development & Capacity Building
ECD 319: Social Work & Humanitarian Assistance
ECD 321: Resource Mobilization & Economic Empowerment
ECD 304: Practicum
HEH 304: Occupational Health & Safety
ESU 400: Environmental Security & Peace Building
ECD 403: Environment & Community Health
ECD 404: Research Project
ECD 413: Ethics & Environmental Governance
ECD 415: Poverty, Ecosystems & Human Well-being
ECD 420: Principles of Administration & Management
ECD 423: Community Asset Building & Social Entrepreneurship
ECD 424: Environment, Microfinance & Financial Inclusion
ECD 425: Environment & International Relations
ECD 426: Environment & Corporate Social Responsibility
ECD 427: Environment, Gender & Community Development
ECD 428: Environmental Communication & Development
EPM 464: Disaster Management