Participation in Workshop/Conferences
- Attended a conference on Animal Welfare Education June 2014, KU,
- Attended Regional Centre of Expertise Global Conference 2014, UNEP Nairobi
- Attended Staff Mentors’ Seminar at Kenyatta University, 9th September 2014
Convening and Coordinating Conferences
- Convened and Coordinated Conference on Animal Welfare Education June 2014, at Kenyatta University,
Articles in refereed journals
- Kariuki, Charles Ndiritu, Muthui. Koki, Dr. Daniel G. Mang’uriu, Nelson T. Muthiani, (2016). Status of Climate Change Content in Kenya’s Selected Secondary School Subjects. IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education (IOSR-JRME)e-SSN: 2320-7388p-ISSN:2320-737X Volume 6, Issue 2 Ver. 1 (March-April 2016), PP 37-42 www.iosrjournals.org
Book Chapters
- Nelson T. Muthiani, Industrial Pollution and its effects on the Environment. In An Introduction to Environmental Education, Edited by J.E Otiende, W.P Ezaza and R. Boisvert, Nairobi University Press, 1991, ISBN No. 9966-8-46-131
- Nelson T. Muthiani, Ethics and Conservation, In Environment and Sustainable Development, Edited by Fuchaka Waswa, Samuel Otor, Godfrey Olukoye and Daniel Mugendi, Downtown Printing Works, Nairobi.
- Gives motivational presentations on work ethic and time management to youth in Christian camps and prize giving gatherings.
- 1993- date Worked with youth/peasant farmers (25-40Yrs) to construct over 20 pan dams for harvesting and conserving rain water to enhance food security & tree planting.
- As Chairman, Mumandu Soil &Water Conservation CBO facilitated the planting & growing over 300,000 trees between January1993 and December 2015 at Mumandu Sub-Location, Machakos County
- Trustee, Mukacofa Community Forest Association (MUKACOFA) Developed a proposal on ‘Enhancing Climate Change Resilience by Harvesting Rain Water in Water Courses through Construction of Sand Dams in Kalama Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya.’