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- Masso C, Gweyi-Onyango J, Luoga HP, Yemefack, M, Vanlauwe, B. A (2024). Review on Nitrogen Flows and Obstacles to Sustainable Nitrogen Management within the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. Sustainability 2024, 16, 4816. su16114816
- Sakha, M., Jefwa, J., Mutua, L., Egesa, A.O., Gumo, P., Otieno, E. and Gweyi-Onyango, J.P. (2024). Most Probable Number Bioassays and Trap Culture Techniques are Promising in Estimating Quantitative and Qualitative Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. J. Bioresource Sci., 11(01): 01-14. DOI: 10.30954/2347-9655.01.2024.
- Ntinyari W, Reichel R, Gweyi-Onyango J, Giweta M, Wissel H, Masso C, Bol R, Brüggemann N (2023). Nitrogen fertilization and liming increased CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical ferralsols, but not from a vertisol. Soil Use and Management.2023, 00:1-15. DOI: 1111/sum.12927
- Kaaria K, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Muui C (2023): Silicon amendment-influence on sorghum growth, yield, and nutrient uptake under water stress, Journal of Plant Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2023.2222132
- Uwimana, J., Sakha, M., Danga, B., Gitari, H. and Gweyi-Onyango, J.P. (2022). Involvement of Plant Growth Regulators and Varieties in the Multiplication of Cassava Planting Materials: A case study of Rwanda. Int. J. Bioresource, 09(02): 163-172.
- Ntinyari W, Gweyi-Onyango J, Giweta M, Mutegi J, Mochoge B, Nziguheba G and Masso C (2022) Nitrogen budgets and nitrogen use efficiency as agricultural performance indicators in Lake Victoria basin. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:1023579. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.1023579
- Njinju S. M, Gweyi J. and Mayoli R.N (2022). Sorghum Production Challenges in Drought Areas of Siaya and Baringo Counties, Kenya. East African .Agricultural and Forestry Journal. 8 (2): 11-18.
- Ntinyari W, Giweta M, Gweyi-Onyango J , Mochoge B , Mutegi J , Nziguheba G and Cargele Masso C (2022). Assessment of the 2006 Abuja Fertilizer Declaration With Emphasis on Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Reduce Yield Gaps in Maize Production. Sustain. Food Syst. 5:758724. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.758724
- Ntinyari W, Gweyi-Onyango J, Giweta M , Mochoge B , Mutegi J, Nziguheba G and Masso C (2022). Nitrogen use efficiency trends for sustainable crop productivity in Lake Victoria basin: smallholder farmers’ perspectives on nitrogen cycling. Res. Commun. 4 (2022) 015004.
- Gweyi-Onyango J P, Ntinyari W, Ogolla E A, Mose R, Njinju S, Giweta M, Masso C. (2021). Differences in seasons and rice varieties provide opportunities for improving nitrogen use efficiency and management in irrigated rice in Kenya. Journal of Environmental Research Letters. 16 (07) -5003. org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac03dd
- Ngugi MM Harun, Gitari I H, Muii C and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2021): Cadmium mobility, uptake, and accumulation in spinach, kale, and amaranths vegetables as influenced by silicon fertilization, Bioremediation Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10889868.2021.1924111
- Ochieng’ I O, Gitari H I , Mochoge B, Rezaei-Chiyaneh E R and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2021). Optimizing Maize Yield, Nitrogen Efficacy and Grain Protein Content under Different N Forms and Rate. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- Mwangi SM, Korir N K, Mose R , Osei-Kwarteng M , Akuja E T and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2021). African Journal of Horticultural Science 18 (2): 21-3
- Kaaria K G, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Muui C W (2021). African Journal of Horticultural Science 18 (2): 1-20
- Mathenge C, Thuita, M Cargele Masso C, Gweyi-Onyango J and Vanlauwe B (2019). Variability of soybean response to rhizobia inoculant, vermicompost, and a legume-specific fertilizer blend in Siaya County of Kenya. Soil & Tillage Research 194 (2019) 104290. org/10.1016/j.still.2019.06.007
- Chimoita EL, Onyango CM, Gweyi-Onyango J P and KimenjuJ W (2019) Socio-economic and Institutional Factors Influencing Uptake of Improved Sorghum Technologies in Embu, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 83 (2): 69–79
- Munyasi T and Gweyi-Onyango JP (2019). Growth and Nutritional Status of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annum L.) are Co-Influenced by Nitrogen Application and Meloidogyne Spp. Infection. African Journal Horticultural Science. 16:55 - 70
- Wambua J. M, Korir N, Ngene S.M.and Gweyi-Onyango J (2018). Heavy metal concentration in amaranthus, cowpea, black nightshade and kale in response to wastewater irrigation in Kitui County, Kenya. African Journal of Rural Development: 3(4): 1025-1033
- Sakha M A, Jefwa J and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2019). Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Inoculation on Growth and Yield of Two Sweet Potato Varieties. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 18(3): 1-8
- Mbatha W N, Korir N K and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2019). Influence of SIRI fertilizer practice on yield components and grain yield of hybrid rice varieties in Kenya. Asian Plant Research Journal. 2(2): 1-7
- Githua F W, Ntinyari W , Korir N K and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2019). Influence of Elemental Sulphur, Oxalic Acid, and Phosphoric Acid as Acidulating Agents on Phosphorous Dissolution from Rock Phosphate. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International. 18(4): 1-8
- Ngetich A, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2018). Influence of Nitrogen Levels and Planting Architecture on Grain Amaranth in Kenya. London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal. 18(3):43-49
- Ntinyari W and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2018). Impact of Nitrogen Forms and Levels on Yield and Quality of Rice in Kirinyaga and Kisumu Counties Kenya. Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 3(4): 1-7.
- Gweyi-Onyango J P (2018). Effects of Nitrogen Levels on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiencies of Two Rice Varieties in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Science. 14:23-34
- Etabo E. M, Wekha N. W, Korir N K and Gweyi-Onyango J. P. (2018). Effect of Phosphorus Levels on Soil Properties and Plant Tissues of Two Nerica Varieties. Asian Soil Research Journal. 1(3): 1-9.
- Ntinyari W and Gweyi-Onyango J (2018). Biofertilizers as an Alternative to Inorganic Fertilizers in Sub-Saharan African: Is the Adoption the Missing Link? Elexir Agriculture. 114:49564-49551
- Wekha N W, Korir N K, Ojulong, H F, Siambi M and Gweyi-Onyango JP (2018). Protein, Calcium, Zinc and Iron contents of Finger Millet Grain Response to Varietal Differences and Phosphorus Application in Kenya. Agronomy-MDPI. 8(24):1-9. doi:10.3390/agronomy8020024.
- Njinju S M, Samejima H, Katsura K, Kikuta M, Gweyi-Onyango J P, Kimani J M, Yamauchi A and Makihara D (2018). Grain yield responses of lowland rice varieties to increased amount of nitrogen fertilizer under tropical highland conditions in central Kenya. Plant Production Science. 109:1-12 org/10.1080/1343943X.2018.1436000
- Kariithi T, Thagana W and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2018). Influence of Organic and Inorganic Manures on Macro-Nutrients, Micro-Nutrients and Anti-Nutrients in two Amaranth spp in Kiambu Couny, Kenya. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science. 1: (1) 1-17.
- Mwirigi P, Gweyi-Onyango J and Mwangi M (2018). Flowering and Fruiting of Yellow Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis,Var F. Flavicarpa. Deg) as Influenced by Different Fertilizer Applications in Kiambu and Embu Counties, Kenya. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge. 6(4): 28-31
- Kalawa I L, Wekha N. W, Korir N K and Gweyi-Onyango J (2018). Interaction Effect of Growth Regulators and Irrigation Schedules on Growth and Yield of French Beans in Kiambu County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science. 1(1): 1-8.
- Miriko M C, Korir N K and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2018). Benefits of Rhizobial Inoculation and Phosphorus Application on Growth of Lucerne (Medicago sativa) in Kenya. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science. 21(6): 1-7
- Odhiambo O P, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Nawiri P M (2017). Effects of Water stress on Phenolics Content and Antioxidant Activity of African Nightshades. Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Product Biochemistry. 15(2) 79-95.
- Chimoita E L, Onyango C M, Kimenju J W, Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). The Agricultural Extension Agents Influence on the Uptake of Improved Sorghum Technologies in Embu County, Kenya (2017). Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 5(4): 219-225. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2017.050403.
- Munene R, Changamu E, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Differential Impact of Nitrogen Forms on Selected Phytochemicals and Oxalate Contents in Three Vegetable Amaranth Varieties in Kenya. Annals, Food Science and Technology 18(2) 238-256.
- Ocharo N. E, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Korir N K (2017). Green Pepper Growth and Yield Response to the Integration of Mulching Materials and Row Plant Spacing. Journal of Agriculture and Crops. 3(9) 72-77.
- Ngetich A R, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Korir N K(2017). Diagonal Offset Arrangement and Spacing Architecture Effect on Growth and Yield Components of Grain Amaranth in Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture. 6(1): 1-8
- Odhiambo P O, Nawiri P M, Musila W and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Water Stress Effect on Total Antioxiant Activity and Total Phenolic Content of Solanum scabrum Mill and Solanum scabrum in Kiambu, Kenya. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review.17(1): 1-9.
- Ocharo N. E, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Korir N K (2017). Plant Row Spacing Effect on Growth and Yield of Green Pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Western Kenya. Archives of Current Research International. 7(3): 1-9.
- Chirchir G J, Mwangi M, Nyamongo D O and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Effects of genotype and agro-ecological conditions on storability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed. Tropical Plant research: An Agricultural Journal 4(1): 126–133. DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2017.v4.i1.019.
- Oyaro O J, Nawiri P Musila W and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Effect of Phosphorus Deficiency on Phenolics and Antioxidants Content of Two African Nightshade Varieties Grown in Kenya. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 15(3): 1-11.
- Osei-Kwarteng M, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Mahunu G K (2017). Commodity Systems Assessment Methodology of Postharvest Losses in Vegetable Amaranths: The Case of Tamale, Ghana. International Journal of Agronomy. 2017: 1-7.
- Munene R, Changamu E, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J (2017). Effects of different nitrogen forms on growth, phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity in amaranth species. Tropical Plant research: An Agricultural Journal 4(1):81-89 DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2017.v4.i1.012
- Munene R, Changamu E, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Comparison of Cationic and Anionic Forms of Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Calcium, Zinc and Iron Content in Shoots of Two Varieties of Vegetable Amaranth. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International.11(1): 1-11
- Wekha N. W, Siambi M, Ojulong H, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J (2017). Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L) Fodder Yield Potential and Nutritive Value under Different Levels of Phosphorus in Rainfed Conditions. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 10(4): 1-10; ISSN: 2394-1073.
- Ocharo N. E, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Korir N K (2017). Transparent, Black and Organic Mulches Effect on Weed Suppression in Green Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) in Western Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Studies: 1(5):67-76:ISSN 2166-0379
- Wafula N W, Nicholas Korir N K, Siambi M, Ojulong H F and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2017). Agromorphological Performance and Character Association of Finger Millet under Varying Phosphorus Regimes. Journal of Agricultural Studies: 1(5):90-102:ISSN 2166-0379.
- Mwirigi P, Mwangi M, and Joseph Gweyi-Onyango J P, (2016). Agronomic Management of Yellow Passion Fruit among Farmers in Mbeere Sub-County, Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Sciences 10: 1 – 13.
- Wekha N. W, Nicholas K. N K, Ojulong H F, Siambi M and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake and Partitioning in Finger Millet as Influenced by Phosphorus Fertilization. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 14(4): 1-11.
- Chirchir G J, Mwangi M, Nyamongo D O Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Soybean: An Assessment of Varieties Grown, Seed Sources and Farm-saved Seed Management Practices in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya. Elixir Agriculture 98: 42471-42475
- Wekha N. W, Korir K. N, Ojulong F. H, Siambi M and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) grain yield and yield components as influenced by phosphorus application and variety in Western Kenya. Tropical Plant research: An Agricultural Journal. 3 (3): 673-680. DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2016.v3.i3.088
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- Ocharo N. E, Gweyi-Onyango J P and Korir N K(2016). Influence of Mulching Materials on the Growth and Yield Components of Green Pepper in Busia County in Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 2(2): 1-10: Article no.ARJA.29909
- Wekha N. W, Korir NK, Ojulong H F and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Effect of Phosphate Levels on Soil Rhizosphere Nutrient Balances and Finger Millet Yield. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 2(1): 1-8, 2016, Article no.ARJA.29606
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- Munene R, Changamu E, Korir N and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Characterization and Documentation of Factors Contributing to Production and Consumption of African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) in Kiambu and Kirinyaga Counties in Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 1(3): 1-9, 2016, Article no.ARJA.28734
- Wekha N. W, Korir, N K, Ojulong H F, Siambi M and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Phosphorus Influence on Plant Tissue Nitrogen Contents and Yield Attributes of Finger Millet Varieties in Semi-arid Region of Kenya. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 13(3): 1-9, 2016; Article no.IJPSS.29901 ISSN: 2320-7035
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- Chirchir G J, Mwangi M, Nyamongo D O and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2016). Soybean farm-saved seed viability and vigor as Influenced by agroecological conditions of Meru South Sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 101: 9634-1942.ISSN 1997–5902
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- Chimoita E L, Gatahi D. Maina, D Olila O., Gweyi Onyango J P (2015). The Role of Farmer Field Schools Approach in Improving Tea Production among Smallholding in Kenya. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 3(1): 4-10. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2015.030102.
- Chimoita E L, Embeywa HE and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2014). Secondary School Teachers’ Understanding of Energy Flow in Ecosystems: Carbon Sink and Sequestration perspectives. Journal of Human Ecology. 48(3): 461-467
- Ahmat F L; Mugwe J N; Kimani S K, and Gweyi-Onyango J P (2014). Maize response to Tithonia diversifolia and rock phosphate application under two maize cropping systems in Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences 79:6983 – 6991. ISSN 1997–5902
- Chimoita E, Babu M, Gweyi-onyango J, Machacha K; Omufwoko J (2014). Secondary School Students’ Understanding of Energy Flow in Ecosystems. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 1(28) 231-244. ISSN 2278-859X
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- Gweyi-Onyango J P and Osei-Kwarteng M (2011). Safe Vegetable Production with Wastewater in Developing Countries: Demystifying Negative notions: African Journal of Horticultural Science. 5:70-83
- Gweyi-Onyango J P, Tesfamariam T and Neumann G (2011). Contrasting Responses to Phosphorus status by Arachis pintoi (Krapov and W.C Gregory): A Lesson for Selecting Vegetables for Cultivation in Kenyan Ecozones. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(1): 45-55.Doi:10.3923/ajar.2011.
- Gweyi-Onyango J P, Akwee A, Onyango C and Tesfamaria T (2011). Genotypic responses of Cowpea (Vigna anguiculata) to Sub-Optical Phosphorus Supply in Alfisols of Western Kenya: A Comparative Analysis of Legumes. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol 1(2): 1-8.
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- Gweyi-Onyango J P, Günter N and V Römheld (2010). Differential benefits of rock phosphate (RP) by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plant as affected by nitrogen forms and soil types. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development, 4(10): 2460-2477.
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