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Tittle/Qualifications: PhD |
Refereed Journal Papers
- Joseph Mulema · Roger Day · Winnie Nunda · Komivi Senyo Akutse · Anani Y. Bruce · Sospeter Gachamba · Solveig Haukeland · Ruth Kahuthia‑Gathu · Staline Kibet · Asenath Koech · Thomas Kosiom · Douglas Watuku Miano · George Momanyi · Lucy Kananu Murungi · James Wanjohi Muthomi · Julianna Mwangi · Maina Mwangi · Nicholas Mwendo · John Huria Nderitu · Johnson Nyasani · Miriam Otipa · Sarah Wambugu · Eric Were · Fernadis Makale · Laura Doughty · Steve Edgington · Ivan Rwomushana · Marc Kenis, 2022. Prioritization of invasive alien species with the potential to threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Kenya through horizon scanning. Biol Invasions, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-022-02824-4
- Andrew M. Nuwamanya, Steven Runo, Maina Mwangi, 2022. In-vitro sensitivity of Alternaria solani isolates to azoxystrobin and difenoconazole fungicides in Kenya and detection of Cyt b mutations associated with azoxystrobin resistance. Crop Protection 158 (2022) 106010.
- Nyang’au, Douglas, Atandi, Janet, Cortada, Laura, Nchore, Shem, Maina, Mwangi and Coyne, Danny, 2021. Abundance and distribution of plant parasitic nematodes on bananas (musa ) in Kenya, in relation to altitude and with a focus on the pathogenicity of Pratylenchus goodeyi. Nematology Journal. https://brill.com/view/journals/nemy/24/2/article-p137_2.xml
- Nuwamanya Andrew, Maina Mwangi, Steve Runo, 2022. Farmers’ perceptions on tomato early blight, fungicide use factors and awareness on fungicide resistance: Insights from a field survey in Kenya. PLOSONE. Paper Number PONE-D-22-01550R1.
- Matheri et al., 2022. Composition, structure, and functional shifts of prokaryotic communities in response to co-composting of various nitrogenous green feedstocks. Accepted for publication in BMC Microbiology.
- N. Kariuki, J.W. Waceke and M. Mwangi, 2021. Efficacy of Selected Local Fungal Isolates in the Management of Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Kenya. Plant Pathology Journal 20: 41 – 53. DOI: 10.3923/ppj.2021.41.53
- Mwasame E. N., Maina. M., Taracha C. and Karanja J., 2021. Incidence Of Potentially Toxigenic Fungi And Aflatoxin In Maize (Zea mays) Infected By Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease In Bomet, Narok And Nakuru Counties Of Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 8, No. 2 February , 2021
- Kanyua Stella, Mwangi Maina and Mbaka Jesca, 2020. Identification ofRalstonia solanacearum resistant rootstocks for tomato grafting. Journal of Animal and Plants Sciences Volume 43 (Issue 3): 7452-7457. March 2020. .https://doi.org/10.35759/JAnmPlSci.v43-3.1.
- Kanyua Stella, Mwangi Maina and Mbaka Jesca, 2020.Compatibility and performance of susceptible tomato cultivars grafted onto bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistant rootstock. Journal of Applied Biosciences 147: 15100 – 15107. https://doi.org/10.35759/JABs.v147.3
- Ndalo Victor, Ruth Gathu and Maina Mwangi. Prevalence of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) and Chemical Management in Loitoktok, Kajiado County, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online) Vol.9, No.22, 2019.
- Ndalo Victor Gathu R. K Maina M, 2019. Population Growth of Tomato Leaf Miner Moth (Tuta Absoluta) within Loitokitok Kajiado County-Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online) Vol.9, No.22, 2019.
- Olivier Dayou, Maina Mwangi, Andrew Ogolla Egesa, Peter Munyao Muteti and Careen Ihazano Chumba, 2018. Application of molecular and biotechnological techniques in plant disease management: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 17(31), pp. 938-948, 1 August, 2018 DOI: 10.5897/AJB2018.16532 Article Number: 16CFC7C58035.
- Fiona Mwaniki, Charity Gichuki, Maina Mwangi, Pamela Mburia, Benson O. Wandago, 2017. Addressing challenges in communicating adaptation practices to smallholder farmers in Kenya through a radio intervention. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development - JAEID 2017, 111 (2): 279 – 322. DOI: 10.12895/jaeid.20172.58.
- Mwangi, A. Egesa and F. Matheri, 2017. Strategies to increase strawberry competitiveness among fruit growers, marketers and consumers in Kenya. Acta Hortic. 1156: 921 - 927. ISHS 2017. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1156.136.
- Grace J. Chirchir, Maina Mwangi, Desterio O. Nyamongo and Joseph P. Gweyi-Onyango, 2017. Effects of genotype and agro-ecological conditions on storability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed. Tropical Plant Research 4(1) 126 – 133. DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2017.v4.i1.019
- Grace Chirchir, Maina Mwangi, D.O. Nyamongo, Joseph Gweyi, 2016. Soybean: An Assessment of Varieties Grown, Seed Sources and Farmsaved Seed Management Practices in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya. Elixir Agriculture 98: 42471 – 42475.
- Grace Chirchir, Maina Mwangi, D.O. Nyamongo, Joseph Gweyi, 2016. Soybean farm-saved seed viability and vigor as Influenced by agroecological conditions of Meru South Sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences 101: 9634 – 9642. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v101i1.7
- Peter Mwirigi, Maina Mwangi, and Joseph Gweyi-Onyango, 2016. Agronomic Management of Yellow Passion Fruit Among Farmers In Mbeere Sub-County, Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Sciences 10: 1 – 13.
- A. C., Maina M. Nyairo N. M., Ramaswamy B., 2016. Assessment of profit efficiency among sweet yellow passion fruit farmers in Mbeere south Embu county, Kenya. Journal of Plant and Animal sciences 27(3): 4305 – 4314.
- Egesa Ogolla, Njau, P. Mwirigi, C. Muui, Korir Kibet,, M. Mwangi, 2016. Climate change effects on rainfall patterns and its implications on sorghum and millet production in Kenya: A review. International Journal of Science and Technoledge 4(8): 44-52.
- James K. Mutura, Newton Nyairo, Maina Mwangi and Stephen K. Wambugu, 2016. Analysis of Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Integration among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Lower Central Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Research [IJAFR] ISSN 1929-0969 Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 1-13. (2016)
- James K. Mutura, Newton Nyairo, Maina Mwangi and Stephen K. Wambugu, 2016. Analysis of Integration among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Lower Central Kenya. International Journal of Business and Management 4(2): 57 – 64.
- N. Marigi, J.O. Masanga, T.L.Munga, L.S. Karanja, M.P. Ngugi, W.M. Thagana, D. Kirubi, M. Mwangi, C.M. Githunguri, W.M. Muiru, D.W. Miano and R.O. Oduor, 2016. Optimisation of a somatic embryogenesis and transformation protocol for farmer-preferred cassava cultivars in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal 24: 35 – 44. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v24i1.4S
- Matheri F, Mwangi M, Runo S, Ngugi M, Kirubi DT, Fred Teya, Mawia AM, Kioko FW, and Kamau DN., 2016. Phenotypic Characterization of Selected Kenyan Purple and Yellow Passion Fruit Genotypes Based on Morpho-Agronomic Descriptors. Advances in Crop Science and technology 4 (4): 1000226. 5 pp. DOI: 10.4172/2329-8863.1000226.
- Felix Matheri, Fred Teya, Festus Kioko, Amos Musyoki Mawia, Maina Mwangi, Duncan T Kirubi, Mathew Ngugi and Steven Runo, 2016. Genotyping of Kenyan Passiflora Edulis Flavicarpa Hybrid Accessions and their Parents using SSR Markers. Vegetos –An International Journal of Plant Research 29(4). doi:4172/2229-4473.1000181, 4pp.
- Matheri F, Nyamai D, Ngugi MP, Runo S, Njuguna JK, Mwangi M and Kirubi DT., 2016. Phenotyping of Selected Kenyan Passiflora edulis Varieties and Their Hybrids Based on Quantitative Morpho-agronomic Traits. Journal of Horticulture 3(3): 1-4. DOI: 10.4172/2376-0354.1000181
- Njau, M. Mwangi, R. Kahuthia-Gathu, R. Muasya and J.N. Mbaka, 2015. Macropropagation technique for producing cost-effective healthy banana seedlings in Eastern and Central Kenya. In Agricultural innovations for sustainable development, - contributions from the third Africa wide Women and young professionals in science competitions. Volume 4: Issue 3. pp. 130 – 137.
- James K. Mutura, Newton Nyairo, Maina Mwangi and Stephen K. Wambugu, Analysis of Determinants of Market Channel Choice among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Lower Central Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 4(10): 264 – 270.
- James K. Mutura, Newton Nyairo, Maina Mwangi and Stephen K. Wambugu, 2015.Vertical and Horizontal Integration as Determinants of Market Channel Choice among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Lower Central Kenya. Asian Journal of Economic and Empirical Research 2(2): 83-90.
- Mugambi, David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu, Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony, 2015. Assessment of performance of smallholder dairy farms in Kenya: an econometric approach. Journal of Applied Biosciences 85: 7891– 7899.
- Mugambi David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony Macharia, 2014. Characterization and Profitability Assessment of Dairy Farms in Central Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol. 3 issue 9: 82 – 90. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online). ijird.com
- Mugambi David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony Macharia, 2014. Estimation of Cost Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Kenya’s Eastern Central Highlands. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol. 3 issue 8: 34 - 39. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online). ijird.com
- Mugambi David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony Macharia, 2014. Evaluation of Technical Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Embu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol. 3 issue 8: 49 – 54. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online). ijird.com
- Mugambi David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony Macharia, 2014. Evaluation of Technical Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Eastern Central Highlands, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol. 3 issue 4: 482 – 487. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online). ijird.com
- Carolyne W. Wangungu, Maina Mwangi, Ruth Gathu, and Reuben Muasya. (2014). Good Orchard Maintenance and Agronomic Practices as Working Components in Management of Dieback Disease on Passion Fruit (Passiflora ) in Kenya. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 4(9): 1397-1405, 2014.
- Riziki Mwadalu and Maina Mwangi, 2013. The potential role of sorghum in enhancing food security in semi-arid eastern Kenya: A review. Journal of Applied Biosciences (J. Appl. Biosci.) 71: 5786 – 5799.
- Karani Gichimu, I. Macharia, M. Mwangi, 2013. Assessment of Input-Output Transformation in purple passion fruit production in Central-Eastern and North Rift, Kenya. Current Research Journal of Economic Theory 5(2): 32-37, 2013. ISSN 2042-4841; e-ISSN 2042-485X.
- Charles Karani Gichimu, Maina Mwangi and Ibrahim Macharia, 2013. Assessment of passion fruit orchard management and farmers technical efficiency in Central-eastern and North-Rift Highlands, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol 4, 183 – 190. ISSN 2222-1700 (paper), ISSN 2222-2855 (online).
- Kwame Okinyi Ogero, Gitonga Nkanata Mburugu, Maina Mwangi, Michael Mugambi Ngugi and Omwoyo Ombori, 2012. Low Cost Tissue Culture Technology in the regeneration of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam). Research Journal of Biology (2012), Vol. 02, Issue 02, pp. 71-78.
- Kwame O. Ogero, Gitonga N. Mburugu, Maina Mwangi, Omwoyo Ombori and Michael Ngugi, 2012. In vitro Micropropagation of Cassava Through Low Cost Tissue Culture. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(3): 205-209.
- Wangungu,, Maina, M. and Mbaka, J., 2012. Proposed assessment scale for dieback disease severity on passion fruit. J. Animal and Plant Sciences [ISSN 2071 - 7024] 12(2): 1560 -1572.
- 42. Njeri Njau, Maina Mwangi, Ruth Gathu, Jesca Mbaka, Reuben Muasya, 2011. Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) reduces availability of corms for seedling production through macropropagation technology. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences [ISSN 2071 - 7024] Volume 12(1): 1537 -1542.
- Supervisor to winning paper of the international TEEAL competition by Ogero Kwame Okinyi -- Kenyatta University, PAPER TITLE: "In vitro micropropagation of cassava through low cost tissue culture. http://teeal.org/about/news/winners-announced-teeal-graduate-student-research-paper-competition-2011
- 44. H. Bouwmeester, S. Abele, V.M. Manyong, C. Legg, M. Mwangi, V. Nakato, D. Coyne and K. Sonder, 2010. The Potential Benefits of GIS Techniques in Disease and Pest Control: an Example Based on a Regional Project in Central Africa. In ISHS Acta Horticulturae 879: International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact . . Pp 333 – 340. Editors; T. Dubois, S. Hauser, C. Staver, D. Coyne. 25 November 2010. ISBN 978-90-66055-93-3; ISSN 0567-7572
- Maina Mwangi (editor), 2010. Contribution of Agricultural Sciences towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals. Edited proceedings of the 3rd International e-Conference on Agricultural Biosciences. ISBN: 978 9966 7415 2 6. 162 pp. http://www.m.elewa.org/IeCAB2010e-book.pdf
- Maina Mwangi and Wangungu Carol (editors), 2010. Developing agricultural extension capacity in Kenya: Experiences of Kenyatta University Interns in the Farmer Voice Radio Project. Group 1: July – August, 2010. ISBN 978-9966-7415-3-4. FaCT Publishing, Kenya. 82 pp. http://www.m.elewa.org/uris-ku-group1.pdf
- Maina Mwangi and Mukiri Githendu (editors), 2010. University radio Interns training and field practice handbook. Kenyatta University, 2010. 62pp. ISBN 978 9966 7415 1 8.
- Leena Tripathi, Maina Mwangi, Steffen Abele, Valentine Aritua, Wilberforce Kateera Tushemereirwe and Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, 2009. Xanthomonas Wilt – A threat to banana production in East and Central Africa. Fruit Strategies International. http://www.fruit-strategy.com/Articles.aspx
- Mwangi and V. Nakato, 2009. Key Factors Responsible for the Xanthomonas Wilt Epidemic on Banana in East and Central Africa. Proc. IS on Banana Crop Prot., Sust. Prod. & Impr. Livelihoods. Eds.: D. Jones and I. Van den Bergh Acta Hort. 828, ISHS 2009. Pp 395 – 404.
- Karamura, F. Turyagyenda, W. Tinzaara, J. Muhangi, G. Blomme and F. Maina-Mwangi, 2009. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Management Strategies to Control Xanthomonas Wilt of Banana in East and Central Africa. Proc. IS on Banana Crop Prot., Sust. Prod. & Impr. Livelihoods. Eds.: D. Jones and I. Van den Bergh Acta Hort. 828, ISHS 2009. Pp 405 - 410.
- Maina Mwangi, 2009. Knowledge for crop disease management: the case of banana Xanthomonas wilt. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 2(1): 67 - 72.
- Mwangi, M., and Sarah, M. (2009). Challenges in strawberry seedling production in Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 23: 1403 – 1405.
- Tripathi L., Mwangi M., Abele S., Aritua V., Tushemereirwe W., Bandyopadhayay R., 2009. Xanthomonas wilt: A threat to banana production in East and Central Africa. Plant Disease 93(5): 440 - 451.
- N. Mbaka,M. Mwangi and M.N. Mwangi, 2008. Turning Farming to Business: the Role of Tissue Culture Propagated Bananas in Kenya. J. Appl. Biosc. 9(1): 354 - 361.
- Mbaka J.N., Maina, M., Nakato, V.G. and Auma, J., 2008. An outbreak of banana xanthomonas wilt in banana orchards in Western Kenya. Afr. J. Hort. Sci. (2008) 1:9-18.
- Ngoko Z, Daoudou, Imele H, Kamga PT, Mendi S, Mwangi M, Bandyopadhyay R. and Marasas WFO, 2008. Fungi and mycotoxins associated with food commodities in Cameroon. J. Appl. Biosc. 6: 164 – 168.
- Okechukwu, R.U., A.G.O. Dixon, M. Akoroda, M. Mwangi, and R. Bandyopadyay, 2009. Root rot resistance in new cassava varieties introduced to farmers in Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture 45: 15 – 24. doi:10.1017/S0014479708006777
- Mwangi M. & Muthoni S. 2008. Survival of Xanthomonas vasicola pv musacearum on metallic tools. J. Appl. Biosc. 3: 91 – 93.
- Ndungo V., Komi F. and Mwangi M., 2008. Banana Xanthomonas wilt: spread and management in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Appl. Biosci. 1(1): 1 - 7.
- Maina Mwangi, 2007. Responding to Banana Xanthomonas wilt amidst multiple pathogens. A Crop Crisis Control project Brief. 9pp. http://c3project.iita.org/Doc/A2BriefRespondingtoBXW.pdf
- Vigheri Ndungo, Maina Mwangi, Nakato V., 2007. Brief report of C3P-BXW surveillance and partner visit to DR Congo Feb- March 2007. 7pp. http://c3project.iita.org/Doc/A12-BXWSurveyDRC.pdf
- Mwangi, M. Mwebaze, R. Bandyopadhyay, V. Aritua, S. Eden-Green, W. Tushemereirwe and J. Smith. 2007. Development of a semi-selective medium for isolating Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum from insect vectors, infected plant material and soil. Plant Pathology 56: 383-390.
- Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Ragama, P. and W.K. Tushemereirwe, 2007. Assessment of banana planting practices and cultivar tolerance in relation to management of soilborne Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum. Crop Protection 26(8): 1203 -1208.
- Moses Biruma, Michael Pillay, Leena Tripathi, Guy Blomme, Steffen Abele, Maina Mwangi, Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, Perez Muchunguzi, Sadik Kassim, Moses Nyine Laban Turyagyenda and Simon Eden-Green. 2007. Banana Xanthomonas wilt: a review of the disease, management strategies and future research directions. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(8): 953-962.
- Mwangi Maina and Valentine Nakato. 2007. Key drivers of the Banana Xanthomonas Wilt pandemic in East and Central Africa. Submitted to Acta Horticulturae.
- Bandyopadhyay R., Mwangi M., Aigbe, S.O. and Leslie J. F. 2006. Fusarium species from the cassava root rot complex in West Africa. Phytopathology 96: 673 -676.
- Mwebaze MJ, Tusiime G, Tushemereirwe WK, Kubiriba J, Maina M. 2006. Development of diagnostic media for Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum. African Crop Science Journal 14(2): 129-135.
- Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay, R. and Tenkouano, A. Faturoti, T. 2005. Outbreak of basal end rot on banana and plantain in Nigeria. African Crop Science Proc. 7: 293-295.
- Kotchoni O. S., Gachomo W. E. and Mwangi, M. 2005. Commercial production of genetically modified crops: a prognosis towards acceptance. International J. of Agriculture and Biology 7 (4): 681-688.
- Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay and Asiedu, R. 2005. Evaluating use of minitubers in screening yam genotypes for tolerance to fungal rot pathogens. African Crop Science Proc. 7: 273-276.
- Mwangi, M., R. Sikora and R. Hauschild. 2004. The role of bacteria emmitted cyanogenic metabolites in biocontrol. African Crop Science Proc. 7(1): 305-308.
- Maina Mwangi, 2017. Major Plant Disease threats in Kenya. 2017. FACT Bioscience Publications, Nairobi. ISBN 978 9966 7415 6 9.
- Training the Next Generation of Soil Scientists and Agronomists in Africa – Best Practices and Lessons Learned. Chapter 11 in: Going Beyond Demos to Transform African Agriculture -The Journey of AGRA’s Soil Health Program. Authors: Marie Rarieya , Bashir Jama ,Maina Mwangi , Andrew Opoku , James Mutegi , Mary Yaodze , David Kimani and Rufaro Madakadze. ISBN No: 978-0-9980765-0-8. Ecomedia Ltd, Nairobi.
- Knowledge Management for Improving the Impact of Agricultural Investments in Africa through Country Soil Health Consortia. Chapter 12 in: Going Beyond Demos to Transform African Agriculture -The Journey of AGRA’s Soil Health Program. Authors: James Mutegi , Marie Rarieya , Maina Mwangi , Edward Yeboah , Rebbie Harawa , Zacharia Zida , Shamie Zingore and Jeroen Huising. ISBN No: 978-0-9980765-0-8. Ecomedia Ltd, Nairobi.
- Training and Education. Pages 83-102. Book Chapter in: Investing in soil: Cases and Lessons from AGRA’s Soil Health Programme. Alliance for a Green Revolution and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Nairobi. ISBN: 978-9966-754-08-0.
- Mwangi M. & Mwaura S., 2014. Strawberry farming- a farmer’s handbook. Elewa. Pub. ISBN: 978 9966 7415 8 7
- Grace Chirchir, Maina Mwangi, D.O. Nyamongo, Joseph Gweyi, 2016. Soybean: An Assessment of Varieties Grown, Seed Sources and Farmsaved Seed Management Practices in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya. Elixir Agriculture 98: 42471 – 42475.
- Musundire Robert, 2016. Edible Insects of Zimbabwe: A guide for identification, preparation for consumption and nutritional composition. Chinhoyi University of Technology Press, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe. Pp. 121. ISBN: 978-0-7974-7678-3. Ed. Maina Mwangi.
- Training manual: Mwangi, M., Muasya R., Muli B., Musundire R, Bua B., Andika D., Ambuko J., Mezzetti B., Steutzel H, 2016. Agriculture teaching in Higher Education Institutions- a reference manual. Publication of the EDULINK Project FED/2013/320-148.
- Training manual: Njeri-Njau-Muigai, Muasya R. Muli B., Musundire R., Mpofu HN, Bua B., Andika D., Ambuko J., Steutzel H, Mezzetti B., 2016. Editor: Maina Mwangi. Curriculum Development for agriculture teaching in higher education institutions. Publication of the EDULINK Project FED/2013/320-148.
- Waceke Wanjohi, George Kariuki, Maina Mwangi, Cyrus Gichaga. Editors: 1st Biennial International conference proceedings on bridging the gap between society, science and industry. 30th Nov – 5th Dec 2014. Kenyatta University.
- Editorial team member of the peer reviewed proceedings of the 1st All Africa Post Harvest Congress and Exhibition. Reducing food losses and waste: sustainable solutions for Africa. 28th – 31st March 2017, safari Park Hotel, Kenya.
- 2022 ISHS IHC Congress Angers France. M. Kavutu, M. Mwangi, R. Kahuthia-Gathu and W. Wanjohi, 2022. Application of antagonistic bacteria in management of crown gall disease (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) on roses in Kenya.
- 2022 ISHS IHC Congress Angers France. B. Imbayi, R. Kahuthia-Gathu and M. Mwangi, 2022. Effectiveness of pheromone traps in managing fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) on mango Mangifera indica and cucurbits in Kenya
- Maina Mwangi, Anne Karanja, Willis Owino, Charity Gathambiri, Beth Ndungu, Finyange Pole. Multiple biotic and abiotic factors constrain tomato production in Kenya. Paper at the Tropentag, September 14-16, 2022, hybrid conference. Theme “Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views”
- Mwirigi Peter, Maina Mwangi and Joseph Gweyi, 2015. Agronomic management of yellow passion fruit among farmers in Mbeere sub county in Kenya. Proceedings of KAPAP CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference (10th – 12th June 2015). KALRO HQ, Nairobi. Pp 344 – 349.
- Mwita AC, Maina M, Nyairo NM, and Ramaswamy B, 2015. Enhancing agribusiness through improved markets, market linkages and partnerships. Proceedings of KAPAP CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference (10th – 12th June 2015). KALRO HQ, Nairobi. Pp 363-367.
Papers presented at the 5th RUFORUM Biennial conference, Cape Town. 17th – 21st October, 2016. Theme: Linking Agricultural Universities with Civil Society, the Private Sector, Governments and other Stakeholders in support of Agricultural Development in Africa.
- Mwangi M, Gweyi JO, and Mbaka J, 2016. Promotion of technologies to enhance passion fruit productivity under recurring drought events in semi arid eastern Kenya.
- Kimani, M.M., Gweyi, J.O., Mbaka, J.N., Mwangi M, 2016. Towards passion fruit (Passiflora species) production in ASALs of Eastern Kenya: understanding plant responses to moisture stress.
- Michoma J.M., Korir, N, Gweyi, J.O., Mbaka, J.N., Mwangi M, 2016: Water stress management for profitable production of sweet yellow passion fruit.
- Abasi, E. A., Muui, C., Mbaka, J.N, Mwangi M, 2016. Vine density management for sustainable passion fruit production.
- Maina Mwangi, 2016.Opportunities for Kenya’s horticulture industry under changing climate. Presented at the Humboldt “Kolleg” 2016, Naivasha, 6th – 8th, 2016: Theme: Research and Networking: Laying the Foundation for the Sustainable Development Goals. Book of Abstracts page 75.
- Ogero K. O., Mwangi M., Gitonga N. M., Ombori O. and Ngugi M.. Enhancing access to disease-free sweet potato planting materials through low cost tissue culture for food security and poverty alleviation in Eastern Africa. Submitted to the Agricultural Biosciences International Conference (ABIC) 2014, 5-8 October in Saskatoon Canada. http://www.abic.ca/abic2014/
- Impacting lives of young scientists – a story of a Kenyan Young Scientist, Carolyne W. Wangungu. RUFORUM Monthly, volume 7, issue 03. Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture. March 2013, ISSN 2073-9699.
- Maina Mwangi, 2017. Some determinants of postharvest loss in strawberry fruit in Kenya. Book of Abstracts of the 1st All Africa Post harvest congress and exhibition, 28th – 31st March, 2017. Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 44.
- K. Mugambi , M. Maina Mwangi, 2017. An Assessment of Milk Production Efficiency of Smallholder Dairy Households and Post-Harvest Losses in Meru County, Kenya. Book of Abstracts of the 1st All Africa Post harvest congress and exhibition, 28th – 31st March, 2017. Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 170.
- K. Mutura , M. Maina M, D. K. Mugambi, 2017. An Evaluation of the impact of Vertical Integration on Post-Harvest Milk Losses mitigation among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Lower Central Kenya. Book of Abstracts of the 1st All Africa Post harvest congress and exhibition, 28th – 31st March, 2017. Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 180.
- Maina Mwangi, Kenyatta University: Strategies for strengthening research competitiveness in African Higher Education Institutions. 1 St Biennial Conference on The State Of Higher Education In Kenya. Programme & Book of Abstracts. Theme: Quality University Research & Innovation. Commission For University Education 2016
- Maina M, Njeri N., Musundire R., Muasya R, Mezzetti B., Stuetzel H., Bua B., Kenyatta University: Developing teaching and curriculum skills of university academic staff: lessons from the EDULINK-ESA project. 1 St Biennial Conference On The State Of Higher Education In Kenya. Theme: Quality University Research & Innovation. Commission For University Education 2016. Programme & Book Of Abstracts.
- Chirchir, G., Mwangi M., Nyamongo D, gweyi J.O., 2016. Influence of priming, dressing and agroecologies on storage of selected soybean genotypes. Humboldt “Kolleg” 2016, Naivasha, 6th – 8th, 2016. Book of Abstracts page 74.
Papers presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya annual symposium 2016. 16th workshop on sustainable horticultural production in the tropics. Held at Chuka University, 28th November – 2nd December 2016.
- Maina Mwangi. Is market access a bane or boon to success of horticulture in Central and Eastern Kenya? Book of Abstracts page 31.
- Maina MK, Gweyi-Onyango JP, Mwangi M and Mwirigi P. Dodder Cuscuta: an emerging threat to food security and environment. A review paper. Book of Abstracts page 5.
- Abasi EA and Mwangi M. Canopy management for sustainable passion fruit production. Book of Abstracts page 53
Papers presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya annual symposium 2015. 15th workshop on sustainable horticultural production in the tropics. Held at KALRO, Thika, Dec 2015. In Book of Abstracts
- Njue, A. M., and Maina M., Mucheru M. Pesticide Use Practices and Attitude Influence Residue Occurrence in French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Page 18.
- Kavoi K. Timothy and Maina Mwangi. Oriental fruitfly: (Dacus dorsalis H): a key pest of guavas in Eastern Kenya. Page 39
- Matheri,M. Mwangi, D.T. Kirubi, S.M.Runo and M.P. Ngugi. Deformities and genetic variability of sweet yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis (Sims) var * flavicarpa) in Mbeere South sub-county. Page 39
- PA Nyamwamu, M. Mwangi, R. Gathu, and D. Miano. Transmission mechanisms of maize lethal necrosis disease (MNLD) in Kenya. Page 40
- Ndalo, V.O., Kahuthia-Gathu, R., Maina, M Chemical Management of Tuta absoluta (Meyreck) in Loitokitok, Kajiado County, Kenya. Page 41
- Mwirigi P, Maina M. and Gweyi J. Canopy growth of sweet yellow passion fruit in response to different levels of planting fertilizer under greenhouse management. Page 21
- Momanyi Ariemo and Maina Mwangi. Efficacy of selected fungicides in control of rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) on french beans. Page 48
Papers presented at the International Conference on Building a New Generation of Agricultural Scientists. Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. 1 – 5, Dec 2014
- Stella Ignatius, Maina Mwangi and Jesca Mbaka, 2014. Evaluation of Grafting Technology for Management of Bacterial Wilt of Tomato. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 51.
- Kariuki, P. Okemwa, Grace Wamue and M. Maina, 2014. Gender Factors Influencing Participation of Men and Women in Small-Scale Agriculture and Household Economy. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 14.
- Maina Mwangi, Reuben Muasya, Darius Andika, John Wesonga, Jane Ambuko, Njeri Njau, 2014. Students Perception of Agriculture Training in Public Higher Education Institutions in Kenya. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 104.
- Musundire R., Mwangi M., Mugabe F.T., Maboreke K.M., 2014 Baseline report on the status of Agricultural training in higher education institutions in Zimbabwe. Book of Abstracts Page 106.
- Tonny Videnyi Yalwala, Allan Jalemba Mgutu, Maina Mwangi, 2014. Embryo Rescue after Hybridization with Sorghum. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 122.
- Matheri FM, Kirubi D and Mwangi M., 2014. Assessment of Genetic Variability within Germplasm of Sweet Yellow Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg). AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 129.
- Peter Mwirigi, Maina Mwangi and Joseph Gweyi-Onyango, 2014. Morphological Characterization, Water Stress and Nutrient Management of Yellow Passion Fruits (Passiflora Edulis, F. Flavicarpa. Deg) in Mbeere District, Embu County. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 130.
- Ndalo Victor, Gathu-Kahuthia, R and Mwangi Maina, 2014. Population Dynamics and Indigenous Parasitoid Guild of Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta Absoluta) in Loitoktok, Kajiado County Kenya. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 131.
- Matheri FM, Kavoi T and Mwangi M., 2014. Effect of Date of Harvest and Refrigeration on Germination of Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Seeds. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 136.
- Mwadalu, B. Mochoge and M. Mwangi, 2014. Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineral Fertilizer on Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench N Uptake in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 137
- Ignatius Stella and Maina Mwangi, 2014. Evaluation of Hyk® foliar fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of French Beans (cv. Organdi). AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 148
- Kimani J. W., Ombori O., Njoka F.M. and Maina M, 2014. Increasing regeneration rate of two sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) cultivars on low cost tissue culture media. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 149
- Grace Jepleting Chirchir,Joseph Gweyi Onyango,Maina Mwangi, Desterio Ondieki Nyamongo, 2014. Assessment of Soybean Agronomic Systems, Seed Handling and Quality in Eastern Kenya. AGRSC Book of Abstracts Page 166.
- Mugambi David Kimenchu, Maina Mwangi, Wambugu Stephen Kairu, Gitunu Antony Macharia, 2014. Estimation of milk production efficiency of dairy cow farms in Embu and Meru counties of Kenya. Book of Abstracts, JKUAT Annual conference, September 2013.
- Maina Mwangi, 2012. Consumer preferences and strategies for growth of strawberry enterprise in Kenya. Presented at the 7th International Strawberry Symposium (VII ISS), 18 - 22, February 2012, Beijing, China. http://www.iss2012bjchina.org.cn/en
- Maina Mwangi, 2012. Food for health: experience in Kenya. Paper presented at the Expert Group meeting on “ Detection and health validation methods of bioactive compounds in plants and food products”. Organised by ICS-UNIDO, Trieste, Italy, 14 – 15 March, 2012. http://www.ics.trieste.it/ics-activities/ics-scientific-events.aspx?itemID=9348.
- Wangungu Carol and Maina Mwangi, 2011. Dieback Disease of Passion Fruit: Its Etiology and Epidemiology. Horticultural Association of Kenya annual conference 2011 (http://hakenya.net/2011/12/12/11th-hak-workshop-)
- Njeri Njau and Mwangi M., 2011. Evaluation of macropropagation technology to produce banana seedlings free from pests and pathogens “ http://hakenya.net/2011/12/12/11th-hak-workshop-
Papers presented at the 10th African Crop Science Conference, 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique. Papers are in the conference proceedings at the indicated pages
- Ogero K.O, Gitonga N.M, Mwangi M, 2011. Response of two sweet potato varieties regenerated on low cost tissue culture medium. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference, 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique, Pg. 246 – 247.
- Ogero K.O, Gitonga N.M, Mwangi M, Ombori O. and Ngugi M.. Evaluating the feasibility of using locally available fertilizers as low cost nutrients in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) tissue culture. 10th African Crop Science Conference 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Moz.
- Carolyne .W. Wangungu; Maina Mwangi; Ruth Gathu; Reuben Muasya; Jesca Mbaka; Njuguna Kori, 2011. Practices for reducing dieback disease incidence on passion fruit in Kenya. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique, Pg. 264.
- MARTHA R. KASYOKA, MWANGI M., KORI N., MBAKA J., GITONGA N, 2011. Banana seedling systems in central and eastern Kenya. 10th African Crop Science Conference 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Moz. Pg. 248
- MARTHA R. KASYOKA, MWANGI M., KORI N., MBAKA J., GITONGA N, 2011. Distribution and uses of banana varieties in central and eastern regions of Kenya. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference, 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Mozambique, Pg. 245
- Njeri Njau, Maina Mwangi, Ruth Gathu, Reuben Muasya, Jesca Mbaka, 2011. Assessing macropropagation technique for production of healthy banana seedlings. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Moz. Pg. 248 – 249. acss2011moz.uem.mz/.../Volume%20of%20Abstracts%20&...
- Maina Mwangi, 2011. Increasing incidence of cigar end rot disease is compromising recent gains in banana production in Kenya. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Moz. Pg. 110
- Maina Mwangiand Wangari Wangungu, 2011. Reference to the pathological condition afflicting passion fruits in Kenya as dieback is an anomaly. Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Conference held 10th – 13th October 2011, Maputo, Moz. Pg. 264 – 265.
Papers presented at the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda
- Njeri Njau, Maina Mwangi, Mbaka, J., Gathu, R, & Muasya, R. 2010. Biotic constraints to banana production in Eastern and Central Provinces of Kenya. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 267 – 269. http://mak.ac.ug/documents/RUFORUM/NjeriBiotic.pdf
- Wangungu, C.W., Maina Mwangi, Mbaka, J., Kori, N. & Gathu, R.. 2010. Biotic constraints to passion fruit production in central and eastern provinces of Kenya. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 239 – 241. mak.ac.ug/documents/RUFORUM/WangunguBiotic.pdf
- Kasyoka, M.R., Mwangi, M., Kori, N., Gitonga, N. & Muasya, R, 2010. Evaluating the macropropagation efficiency of banana varieties preferred by farmers in Eastern and Central Kenya. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 499 – 503. http://mak.ac.ug/documents/RUFORUM/Kasyoka.pdf
- Wangungu, C.W., Maina Mwangi, Mbaka, J., Kori, N. & Gathu, R.. 2010. Studies on the etiology, epidemiology and management of dieback disease of passion fruit in Kenya. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 303 – 305. http://mak.ac.ug/documents/RUFORUM/WangungaStudies.pdf
- Njeri Njau, Mwangi, M., Gathu, R., Mbaka, J., Kori, N. & Muasya, R. 2010. Assessing effectiveness of macropropagation technology to produce healthy seedlings of banana varieties with high market demand in Eastern and Central provinces, Kenya. Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 September 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 531 – 533. http://mak.ac.ug/documents/RUFORUM/NjeriAssessing.pdf
- Carolyne Wangungu, Njuguna Kori, Maina Mwangi, 2010. Research gaps on passion fruit diseases in Kenya. Pg. 66 – 67, 3rd Int. e-Conf. On Agricultural Biosciences, June 1 – 15, 2010. http://www.econference.elewa.org/agriculture/abstracts2010-new.html
- Maina Mwangi, 2008. Environmental impacts of crop pathogens. Proceedings of the International e-Conference on Biomedical, Environmental and nutritional Health Sciences 2008. Online, Oct 6-20, ’08. http://www.e-conference.elewa.org/biomedical
- Mwangi and S. Muthoni, 2008. Potential negative impacts of vegetable production in polluted environments. Proceedings of the international e-Conference on Biomedical, Environmental and nutritional Health Sciences 2008. Online, Oct 6-20, ’08. http://www.e-conference.elewa.org/biomedical
- Mwangi and S. Muthoni, 2008. Implementing banana macropropagation in Kenya - potential and challenges. Proceedings of the International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2008, June 2-16, 2008. Book of Abstracts: Volume 1 http://www.e-conference.elewa.org/agriculture/abstracts2008-new.html
- Mwangi and S. Muthoni. Biotechnology for medicinal plants in E. Africa. Proceedings of the 1st International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2008, held online June 2- 16, 2008. Book of Abstracts: Volume 1http://www.e-conference.elewa.org/agriculture/abstracts2008-new.html
- Muthoni and M. Mwangi. Managing poultry cannibalism in Kenya. Proceedings of the 1st International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2008, held online June 2- 16, 2008. Book of Abstracts: Volume 1http://www.e-conference.elewa.org/agriculture/
- Mwangi, 2008. Yam (Dioscorea sp.): how will this crop be revived to enhance food security in East Africa? Proceedings of the 1st International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2008, held online June 2- 16, 2008. Book of Abstracts: Volume 1.
- Mwangi Maina and C. Legg, Targeting interventions against banana Xanthomonas wilt in East and Central Africa using GIS techniques.‘Banana and plantain in Africa, harnessing international partnerships to increase research impact’, at Mombasa in October 5-10, 2008. www.banana2008.com.
- Fiaboe, K.K.M.; G.V. Nakato; M. Mwangi and F. Beed, 2008. Spread and management of banana xanthomonas wilt in the great lakes region. AATF seminar, Entebbe, Uganda.
- Mwangi Maina and Valentine Nakato. Evaluation of pesticides with potential for application in management of Banana Xanthomonas wilt. Presented at the ISHS/ProMusa Symposium; Recent advances in banana crop protection for sustainable production and improved livelihoods. Greenway Woods Resort, White River, South Africa. September 10-14, 2007. http://www.promusa.org/symposium/2007_symposium .
- Eldad Karamura, Frank Turyagyenda, William Tinzaara, Justus Muhangi, Guy Blomme, and Francis Maina-Mwangi. Participatory monitoring and evaluation of management strategies to control Xanthomonas wilt of banana and enset in East and Central Africa. Presented at the ISHS/ProMusa Symposium; Recent advances in banana crop protection for sustainable production and improved livelihoods. Greenway Woods Resort, White River, South Africa. September 10-14, 2007. http://www.promusa.org/symposium/2007_symposium
- Mwangi Maina, Nakato Valentine and Muthoni Sarah. Methods for disinfecting tools in management of Banana Xanthomonas wilt disease. Accepted for the 8th African Crop Science Society Conference. 27- 31 October 2007- El-Minia, Egypt. acss2007.org.
- Mwangi Maina, Caroline Nankinga and Eldad Karamura. Challenges to Training Stakeholders for Management of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt. “Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs” Tropentag, October 9-11, 2007, Witzenhausen, Germany. http://www.tropentag.de/2007/abstracts/full/480.pdf
- Mwangi Maina and Ndungo Vigheri. Importance of cocoyams (Xanthosoma sp.) in farming systems affected by banana Xanthomonas wilt in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Accpted for the 10th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB). “Root and Tuber Crops for Poverty Alleviation through Science and Technology for Sustainable Development”. 8 - 12 October 2007. Maputo, Mozambique
- Maina Mwangi, 2007. Removing infected banana mats to contain Xanthomonas wilt: Experiences in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. IITA, Ibadan. 13 pp. http://c3project.iita.org/DOC/A4-C3PBriefBananaMatRemoval.pdf
- Maina Mwangi and Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, 2006. Managing Banana Xanthomonas wilt. A manual packaged for the Crop Crisis Control Project. IITA, Ibadan. 33p. http://eastafrica.usaidgov/proxy/document.1017.aspx
- Maina Mwangi, Ndungo Vigheri, Komi Fiaboe, Ranajit Bandyopadhyay, Banana Xanthomonas Wilt In The Democratic Republic Of Congo: Emergence, Spread and Strategies to Halt spread. Paper presented at the Musaco symposium, Limbe Cameroon, September 2006.
- Mwangi M, Pillay. M, Bandyopadhyay R, Tushemereirwe W. and Ragama, P. 2006. Progress in understanding mechanisms of host plant tolerance to banana bacterial wilt. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Bacterial Wilt Symposium, Central Science Laboratory, York, UK 17–20th July 2006, http://www.ibws2006.org.uk/book_rev%20(final).pdf.
- Mwangi M, Bandyopadhyay R, Tushemereirwe W and Ragama, P. 2006. Developing technologies to support replanting of banana to rehabilitate farms affected by Xanthomonas In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Bacterial Wilt Symposium, Central Science Laboratory, York, UK 17–20th July 2006, http://www.ibws2006.org.uk/book_rev%20(final).pdf .
- Mwangi M., Tinzaara, W., Vigheri N., Namu F.N., Ragama P., Bandyopadhyay R. 2006. Comparative study of banana Xanthomonas wilt spread in mid and high altitudes of the Great Lakes region of Africa. Tropentag symposium 2006, Bonn, Germany. http://www.tropentag.de/2006/abstracts/full/441.pdf
- Mwangi M, 2006. Banana Xanthomonas Wilt: Status of Knowledge and Control. Paper presented at launching session of the Crop Crisis Control Project, Kigali, Rwanda, June 12 -15 2006.
- Mwangi, M, Bandyopadhyay, R., Tenkouano, A. and Ngoko, Z. 2005. Options for managing fungal rot pathogens of cassava in humid and sub humid agro-ecologies of West and Central Africa. Proceedings of the 1st APHYCEM Symposium, December 2005, Dschang University, Cameroon.
- Mwebaze J. M, Tusiime G, Tushemereirwe. W. K, Mwangi, M. Development of a semi-selective medium for Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. Proceedings of the African Crop Science Conference, 2005. Entebbe, Uganda.
- Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Dixon, A.G.O. 2004. The status of fungal rot diseases as constraints to cassava production and utilization in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Proceedings of International Root and Tuber Crops Conference, 2004.
- Messiga, A. J.N.A., Mwangi, M, Bandyopadhyay, R., Nolte, C. 2004.The status of fungal tuber rots as a constraint to cassava production in South Cameroon. Proceedings of International Root and Tuber Crops Conference, 2004.
- Nolte, C., Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., 2004. The status of cassava mosaic disease, bacterial blight and anthracnose as constraints to cassava production in South Cameroon. Proceedings of International Root and Tuber Crops Conference, 2004.
- Mwangi, M., Rüdiger Hauschild and Richard, A. Sikora., 2002. Rhizobacteria-induced changes in tomato metabolism and their relationship to induced resistance against Fusarium oxysporumsp lycopersici. Comm Agri Appl Biol Sci. (Ghent), 67 (2): 145-147.
- Mwangi, M., Rüdiger Hauschild, Richard, A. Sikora and Eunice Mutitu. Does HCN from Pseudomonas fluorescens T58 contribute to biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici? Proceedings of the annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management. 9 – 11 October 2002, Kassel -Witzenhausen, Germany. Abstract pp.31.
- Hauschild, R., Mwangi, M., Ellers, S., Schäfer, K. and Sikora, R.A., 2002. Induced systemic resistance against soilborne fungi and parasitic nematodes: comparison of the mechanisms. Proceedings of the 53rd German Crop Protection Conference. 16 – 19 September 2002, Bonn, Germany. Abstract pp 192 .
- Mwangi, M., and Hauschild , R., 2001. Is biocontrol of rhizobacteria controlling Fusarium wilt on tomato related to induced resistance? 53rd International Crop Protection Symposium, Ghent University, Belgium).
- Mwangi, M., and Hauschild, R., 2001. Biocontrol of rhizobacteria against Fusarium wilt on tomato is related to induced resistance. Book of abstracts and proceedings, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Oct. 9 –11, 2001, Bonn, Germany, pp140.