Title/Qualifications: BA (University of Nairobi) |
I am Joseph Ndolo, an Administrative Assistant at Kenyatta University, and School of Environmental Studies. My aim currently is to become an efficient school administrator, who can ensure that everything behind the scenes of a successful school runs smoothly. Joseph is an ambitious and driven professional, who can create value from day one and who is eager to further develop his career.
I have extensive experience of working in a busy multinational company environment and during my career have worked for major blue chip company as an engineering buyer and stocks controller. In addition to this, I have the ability to organize my own time, prioritize workloads and work to tight deadlines, whilst maintaining high levels of attention to detail.
I have also a wide experience in the teaching career having taught for 7 years and served in various capacities as an Exams coordinator, Dean of student and lastly Deputy Principal of the school.
- Co-ordinated of yearly stock count which took us 2 hrs instead of the previous counts which previously took us one day physical count.
- Received an excellence award from the company for being the team that realised the highest saving of ksh 518,000 on a single spare.
- Made sure that our stock levels reduces and harmonised with plant to make sure that there is proper running without a breakdown due to unavailability of spares.
- Undertook a project in the store called (VIM) i.e vendor inventory management aimed at drastically reducing our stores inventory.
- 2002: Participated In the General Election as an Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) Counting/ Polling Clerk
- 1999: Was contracted by Kenya Bureau of Statistics as an Enumerator in the Kenya Population Census
- May To Dec 1995: Assistant Manager, the Dreamland Motel Private bag Nairobi
- 1990-1993: University of Nairobi, where I did Bachelor of Arts a degree course and got a second class honours.
- 1988-1989 : City High School, where I sat for Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education and got a (KACE) certificate of three Principal Passes and a Subsidiary.
- 1984-1987:Ruiru High School, where I sat for Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) and got a Third Division Grade
- 1976-1983: Musalala Primary School where I sat for my Certificate of Primary Education and got certificate of 33points out of 36
- 2016:Trained of international standard organization (ISO) on quality Management Systems and Management and Operational Processes organized by Kenyatta University.
- 2016: Trained fire safety where I gained vital knowledge on how to assess the risks and the specific hazards present within my work environment, home or any other place. a training organised by Kenyatta University.
- 2016: Trained on customer care, where I gained knowledge on how to add- value to the customer, it gave me the impetus on how to drive sales and give a strong competitive advantage increased customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty,acquisition of new customers organized by Kenyatta University.
- 2016:Trained on transformative leadership, where I gained Skills on how to work with subordinates to bring desired change in an institution, bring change to an individual social system. the training helped me to know how to create valuable and positive
- change in my subordinates with the end goal of developing them into future leaders. organized by Kenyatta University.
- 2010: Trained as a first aider, a basic one-day first aid course is the standard training recommended for workplace first aid providers, Trained by Unilever Kenya.
- 2008: Trained on oils and lubricants ( KENYA SHELL COMPANY)this course provided me with key knowledge to identify the specificities of lubricants market and to improve performances during production processes and sales
- 2007: Trained on boiler handling and safety, I was trained on new requirements for conducting a preventive maintenance on boiler systems, Trained by Unilever Kenya.
- 2005: Trained on aids awareness to empower and increase the awareness to participants of HIV/AIDS, its impact, management and availability of support systems. the rate of yearly new HIV infections, the dangers of HIV, 'cure' for aids and education is an important component of preventing the spread of HIV.
- 2005: Trained on enzymatic awareness on what enzymes are, their industrial applications, some of the dangers one can be exposed to when you inhale it and methods of prevention of and cure.
- 2004: Trained on occupational health and risk assessment on how to encourage safe working practices; ergonomics (studying how you work and how you could work better); monitoring the health of the workforce; supporting the management of sickness absence. also: work with your employer to implement policies and ensure health and safety compliance; conduct pre-employment health assessments; support health promotion and education programmes; provide advice and counselling to employees around non-health-related problems; provide your employer with advice and guidance around making reasonable adjustments to your working conditions.
- 2004: Trained in mp2: This is an enterprise asset management (EAM) software controls machine operations
- 2004: Trained on 4th shift a software that is used in monitoring machine production and shipping of products in a factory setup